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Christmas Carol

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Scenariusz przeznaczony jest dla uczniów klas V i VI szkoły podstawowej. Opracowany został na potrzeby teatrzyku szkolnego. Propaguje znajomość kultury krajów anglojęzycznych wśród społeczności szkolnej. Ma na celu wzbudzanie chęci uczenia się języka angielskiego oraz promocję młodych talentów. Scenariusz oparty jest na utworze Karola Dickensa "Opowieść wigilijna"



Dickens:   I’m Charles Dickens. “A Christmas Carol” is my well known book.             
                 The main character in it is Ebenezer Scrooge – money lender. He is a  
                 cold, hard man. He loves money. He is very rich, but he is also very  
                 mean. Scrooge pays his employee, Bob Cratchit, little money.  
                 Scrooge doesn’t like people. He has no friends and he really doesn’t  
                 like Christmas. His nephew, Fred, invites him for Christmas dinner,
                 but he refuses.
One Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by three ghosts. They show him his life in the past, the present and the future.


Fred:   Merry Christmas, uncle! (with a happy smile)  

Scrooge:   Bah!

Fred:   Don’t be angry uncle!

Scrooge:   Angry? Yes, Fred. I’m angry, because I live in a world with happy  
                  people in it. Merry Christmas! Why?

Fred:   Christmas is a good time – happy time. Everybody likes being with
            people, with family. Don’t be angry, uncle. Come and have dinner with
            us tomorrow, on Christmas Day.

Scrooge:   No, Fred! And again, no!

Fred:   So, you won’t come. I’m sorry.

Fred:   Merry Christmas, Mr Cratchit!

Bob:   Merry Christmas to you, sir.

Scrooge:   There’s another stupid person! My clerk, with only a pound a week
                 for a wife and family, is talking about a merry Christmas!


(Scrooge is asleep)

Scrooge:   Who are you and what are you?!

Ghost I:   I am the Ghost of Past Christmases.

Scrooge:   Which past Christmases?

Ghost I:   Yours. Come, walk with me.

(They are walking)

Scrooge:   Oh! It’s me. I was a boy here. (a boy at the desk)
                 All the boys went home for Christmas, but I had to stay at school on  
                 my own. Sad, sad boy.

Fan:   Dear brother. I’m here, because you can come home now.

Little Scrooge:   Home, little Fan?

Fan:   Yes. I asked our father: “Can Ebenezer come home?”

Little Scrooge:   What did he say?

Fan:   He said: “Yes.” And he sent me and I’m bringing you home! We will be a  
          family this Christmas. I’m very happy.

Little Scrooge:   Dear little Fan.

Ghost I:   She died when she was a young woman. She had one child.

Scrooge:   Yes, one child. His name is Fred.

(They are walking again)

Ghost I:   Let’s go. It’s you again, but older now.

(The girl is crying)

The Girl:   No! You have a new love now. I hope you will be happy with your
                  new love in the future.

Older Scrooge:   What love?

The Girl:   The love of money. You are a different man now, because you have  
                  love of money in your live. You can’t love me.


(Scrooge is asleep again)

Scrooge:   Who are you and what are you?

Ghost II:   I am the Ghost of Christmas Present. Give me your hand.

(The house of Bob Cratchit)

Mrs Cratchit:   Belinda! Where’s your father? And where’s your brother Tiny  

Belinda:   Look, mum! They are coming!

(Belinda and bob are helping Tinny Tim, because he can’t walk.
They are sitting at the table)

Bob:   That’s the best goose in the world.

Mrs Cratchit, Belinda and Tiny Tim:   Yes. It’s the best goose in the world.

Scrooge:   Ghost, please, tell me something. Will Tiny Tim live?

Ghost II:   In this future, the child will die.

Scrooge:   Oh, no, ghost! Say that he will live!

(Scrooge and Ghost II are walking again)
(People are sitting at the table)

Fred:   My uncle, Ebenezer Scrooge, says: “Bah”, when you say “Merry
           Christmas” to him.

Fred’s wife:   That’s very bad.

Fred:   My uncle isn’t nice, but he is very unhappy.

Fred’s wife:   He makes me angry. He doesn’t help people with his money.

Fred:   Let’s play a new game: “Yes and No”. I think about something or  
           somebody. What’s this? or who’s this?

Julia:   Is it an animal?

Fred:   Yes.

Julia:   A nice animal?

Fred:   No.

Fred’s wife:   Do you see it in the street of London?

Fred:   Yes.

Julia:   Is it a dog?

Fred:   No.

Julia:   Is it a cat?

Fred:  No.

Fred’s wife:   I know! It’s your uncle Scrooge! Ha, ha, ha!

Fred:   Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to my uncle!

(They are drinking)


(Scrooge is asleep again)

Scrooge:   Who are you and what are you?

Ghost III:   I am the Ghost of Future Christmas. Follow me.

(People are sitting at the table)

Mrs Cratchit:   Oh, my little son. He is dead. Tiny Tim was a very sweet child,
                         but our family was too poor to pay for a doctor. (She is crying)

Bob:   Don’t cry my dear.

Belinda:   Don’t cry, mum.

(Scrooge and Ghost III are walking.
They are standing next to the grave)

Scrooge:   It was…. EBENEZER SCROOGE?!

Ghost III:   Yes. That’s right. You will die all alone.

Scrooge:   (crying) Ghost! I will not forget the lessons of the three ghosts. I will be
                 kind at Christmas. I will be kind all years! I will change my life. I will
                 change my future! Help me, please!


Dickens:   What do you think about it? Will Scrooge learn from the ghosts? Can
                 he change? Listen.

Bob:   Mr Scrooge gave me and my family a big goose for Christmas dinner and  
           more money.

Mrs Cratchit (and Tiny Tim):   Tiny Tim is still alive. He isn’t sick. Mr Scrooge
                                                   helped my family with his money. Thank you
                                                   Mr Scrooge. (She is shaking his hand)

Scrooge:   I’m a new man, my dear. (He is kissing Tiny Tim)

Fred:   It was a wonderful party with lovely food and games, and with you, uncle
           Ebenezer. Thank you for your visit.

Scrooge:   Thank you for your invitation. I’m a new man my dear Fred. Merry 
                 Christmas everyone for ever!

Opracowała:     Joanna Kotarska,
                         nauczycielka Szkoły Podstawowej nr 9 w Ełku

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