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Zestaw: "Strona bierna, Present Simple, Past Simple - test 3"
0. Elephants, rhinos, deer, tigers and other fur-bearing animals .................. (kłusuje się na nie dla ich) for their tusks, horns, skin and fur.
are slaughtered
are killed
are poached
1. In what other way ...................... (są one wykorzystywane)?
were animals exploited
aren?t animals exploited
are animals exploited
2. Some animals, especially rodents, ......................................... (use) in laboratory research.
is used
are used
being used
3. New cosmetics, medicines or vaccines .............. (są testowane) on animals.
are test
have tested
are tested
4. Acts of cruelty ..................... (są dokonywane) on them.
are committed
are performed
are complied with
5. Alive animal species assigned for sale ................ (są przemycane) across the boarder in inhuman conditions.
are smuggled
are kept in captivity
are maltreated
6. Later, they ...................... in awful conditions in zoos, circuses and pet shops.
are smuggled
are kept in captivity
are abused
7. Some pets ........................ (są zaniedbywane) by their owners.
are exploited
8. They .............. (nie są karmione) and ....................... (nie pojone) to them.
are fed, no water is given
aren?t fed, no water is given
aren?t feed, no water are given
9. Some aggressive breed dogs are ..................... (nie są tresowane).
are disposed
aren?t trained
aren?t neglected
10. Some man-dependent pets ......................... (są porzucane) in animal shelters.
are disposed
are smuggled
kept in captivity
11. ........................... (Czy prawa zwierząt są przestrzegane) by circus owners?
Are animal rights complied with
Are animal rights abused
Are animal rights forced
12. The circus animals ..................... (są tresowane) against their will and nature.
are slaughtered
are forced
are trained
13. Some animals ............................. (są przymuszane) to perform tricks.
are slaughtered
aren?t fed
are forced
14. Bulls .................... (brutalnie zabijane) in public during corrida in Spain and in Latin America by bullfighters.
are slaughtered
brutally killed
15. Campaigns ................ (są organizowane) and petitions .................... (są podpisywane) by animal rights activists.
were organized, are signed
are organized, are signed
is promoted, are demonstrated
16. Their views ........................ (są demonstrowane) by not eating meat and not wearing leather clothes.
are promoted
were demonstrated
are demonstrated
17. Cosmetics not tested on animals ......................................
are promoted
are demonstrated
is promoted

Zachodniopomorskie Pomorskie Warmińsko-Mazurskie Podlaskie Mazowieckie Lubelskie Kujawsko-Pomorskie Wielkopolskie Lubuskie Łódzkie Świętokrzyskie Podkarpackie Małopolskie Śląskie Opolskie Dolnośląskie