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Zestaw: "Zerowy okres warunkowy - Zero Conditional - test 1 "
0. If ................ (podgrzejesz) water to 100 Celsius degrees, it boils
you heat
1. Phosphorus ................. (spala się) if you expose it to air.
will burn
2. If you heat ice, it ..................... (topi się)
will melt
3. .......................... (Jeśli wsypiesz cukier) in tea, it tastes sweet
It puts sugar
If you put sugar
If you will put sugar
4. If you learn, ..............................(stajesz się inteligentniejszy).
you get more intelligent
if you get more intelligent
you will get more intelligent
5. ..................... (Jeśli nie jesz) , you die.
You don`t eat
If you don`t eat
If you eat
6. If I am tired, ....................... (idę spać).
If I go to bed
I will go to bed
I go to bed
7. I feel happy ......................... (jeśli przychodzisz do mnie).
you come to me
If you don?t come to me
If you come to me
8. .................... (Spóźniam się) for work if I miss the tram at 7.30.
If I am late
I am late
I late
9. ............................. (Jeśli chcesz zostawić wiadomość), speak after the bleep.
Leave the message
If you want to leave the message
You want to leave the message
10. If you press this button, ............................... (otrzymujesz kawę bez śmietanki).
you get black coffee
If you get black coffee
get black coffee
11. ................................. (Jeśli nie masz więcej kart), you win.
You have no more cards
If you haven?t got any more cards
If have no more cards
12. ....................... (Jeśli bezrobocie w Polsce wzrasta), people tend to look for a job abroad.
If unemployment in Poland rise
If unemployment in Poland is rising
If umenployment in Poland has risen
13. ............................. (Jeśli się spakowałeś), we are ready to leave.
If you pack
If you packed
If you`ve packed
14. I am upset if ........................................... (nie korzystasz z moich rad).
you aren`t following my advice
you follow my advice
you haven`t followed my advice
15. If you haven't finished everything, .............................. (nie idź do domu).
you don`t go home
don`t go home
go home
16. When you go to Barbados, ........................... ( weź krem do opalania).
take suncream
you take suncream
don`t take suncream
17. ....................... (Bądź ostrożny) if you go climbing.
Be careful
You are careful
You should be careful
18. .................... (Przypuśćmy, że) you fly budget airline, you don`t expect to get anything to eat.
On condition that
Supposing that
19. .............. (Jeśli on nie poprosi cię) to continue, stop all work on the project.
In case he asks you
Unless he asks you
If he asks you
20. Take an umbrella ............... (na wypadek ) it rains
in case
as long as
21. I don`t talk to him ...................... (tak długo jak) he is seeing that mad girl.
provided that
as long as
22. .............. (Kiedy) the computer emits smoke, unplug it immediately.
Provided that
Supposing that

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