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Zestaw: "Past subjunctive, Unreal Past - test 3"
0. Would she go to Canada ........... (gdyby miała taką okazję) [teraz]
if she has such chance
if she had such chance
if She had had such chance
1. ................................ (Gdybyś był wtedy) to the party you wouldn't have met Joe.
If you had been
If you are
If you were
2. ......... (Najwyższy czas abyś znalazł) a job. [teraz]
It?s high time you find
It?s high time you found
It?s high time you had found
3. ......... ( Żałuję, że nie jestem bogaty/chciałbym być bogaty).
I wish I weren?t rich
I wish I were rich
I wish I was rich
4. ........................................... (Żałuję, że wydałem tyle pieniędzy). [wtedy]
I wish I didn?t spent so much money
I wish I hadn?t spent so much money
I wish I had spent so much money
5. ....... .....................(Żałuję, że tego nie zobaczysz/ chciałbym żebyś to zobaczył). [future]
I wish you will see it.
I wish you would see it.
I wish you wouldn?t see it.
6. ...................................................... (Chciałbym żebyś przestał) [teraz, prośba].
I wish you would stop it.
I wish you stop it.
I wish you stopped it.
7. . ....I`d sooner you weren`t smoking here............. (Wolałbym żebyś tutaj nie palił). [teraz]
I?d sooner you aren?t smoking here.
I?d sooner you were smoking here
I?d sooner you weren?t smoking here.
8. ............ beautiful and brainy. [teraz]
If only I were
If only I am
If only I had been
9. ................................. (Gdybym tylko miała) more money. [teraz]
If only I have
If only I hadn?t
If only I had
10. ............................................ you a bit earlier!
If only I had met
If only I met
If only I have met
11. He laughs ...................... (tak jakby zwariował) [teraz] (but he doesn't)
as if he goes crazy
as if he went crazy
as if he had gone crazy
12. .......................... (Ona wygląda jakby nigdy nie prowadziła samochodu). (but she has)
She looks as though she never drove
She looks as though she had driven
She looks as though she had never driven
13. ............................(Wydaje się, że nadchodzi zima) (it really is)
It seems winter was coming
It seems winter is coming
It seems winter isn?t coming
14. ..................... (Załóżmy, że miałbyś dużo pieniedzy) [teraz], what would you do?
Suppose you had had
Suppose you had
Suppose you have
15. ................................. (Załóżmy, że zaoferowano tobie) a well-paid job, would you give up the old? [teraz]
Supposing you were offered
Supposing you are offered
Supposing you had been offered
16. Wyobraź sobie, że nigdy się wcześniej nie spotkaliśmy!
Imagine, we never met before
Imagine, we never meet before
Imagine, we had never met before
17. ...................... (Co by było gdyby obcy zostawił tobie) a lot of money in his will! [teraz]
What if a stranger left you
What if a stranger had left you
What if a stranger leaves you
18. What if you had won the lottery? [wtedy]
What if you won
What if you didn?t win
What if you had won

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