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Staffordshire University

College Road, Stoke on Trent , United King, ST4 2DE
+44 (0)1782 294000

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Applying to Staffordshire
Entry requirements

Entry requirements and application procedures for international students are generally the same as for UK students.

Applications to study at Staffordshire University should be made through UCAS - the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. If you are from a partner institution of Staffordshire University, tutors at your institution will be able to advise you on application procedures.

Choosing the right course and institution for you can be difficult if you are not familiar with the British education system or entry requirements. We advise you to contact your local British Council Office which will give you impartial advice about studying in the UK.

If you would like to check whether your qualifications meet our entry requirements and/or provide you with advanced standing for a particular course, you may send your CV or copies of your qualifications to the Admissions Office for advice before making a formal application.

Alternatively you can also find out this information from UK NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre)

Tel : +44 1242 260010
Visit: NARIC web site

English Language competence

As English is used in learning, teaching and assessment at the University, you will not gain the full benefit from your award unless you have the appropriate standard of English.

For this reason, in our entry criteria for international students we require an English language qualification, eg GCSE/O level grade C or above, IELTS average of 6.0, TOEFL score of 550 (213 computer-based).

If you need additional support for your English language skills we offer a range of courses through our English Language Centre to help you.

When to apply

Three separate deadlines have been set for receipt of international applications from students overseas for January 2007:

8th December for undergraduate Computing degrees

Applicants for undergraduate Computing awards who have applied to the University directly (eg not via an agent or a partner) and have received a conditional offer will need to provide evidence of having met the conditions by 8th December in order to allow time to start the course on 8th January, 2007. You will be expected to arrive by 6th January.

15th December for postgraduate Computing, Engineering, Arts, Media and Design degrees

Courses start on 15th January, 2007. We will issue visa support letters until 3rd January for these courses. You will be expected to arrive by 13th January.

21st December for postgraduate Business and Law degrees.

Courses start on 30th January, 2007. We will issue visa support letters until 16th January for these courses. You will be expected to arrive by 27th January.

International students resident in the UK

If you are an international student currently resident in the UK and you wish to start a course with us in January, you are exempt from the deadlines above. However, you should ensure that you submit your application in plenty of time for us to process and consider your application before the relevant course start date.

If you have any queries, please contact us. We're here to help:

International Office
Staffordshire University
College Road
United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 (0)1782 292720
Fax: +44 (0)1782 292796
Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)

UCAS handles all applications for places on full-time undergraduate courses in the UK.
UCAS produces a Guide for International Students and Directory of all UK higher education institutions.and the courses they offer.

These and UCAS application forms are available from your local British Council office or directly from UCAS.

Tel: +44 1242 222444
Visit: UCAS website

Other application agencies

Certain courses have their own, separate application systems:

Legal Practice Course (LPC) and Common Professional Examination (CPE)
You can request an application form from the Law Courses Central Applications Board at

Social Work
You can request a form from the Social Work Admissions System (SWAS).

Visit: Social Work Admissions System website

Teacher Training
Applications for Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) courses are handled by the Graduate Teacher Training Registry (GTTR).

Visit: Graduate Teacher Training Registry website

Students from Partner Institutions

Our partner colleges have specific application procedures and you should contact your institutional co-ordinator or the International Recruitment Unit at Staffordshire University for full details

Tel: +44 1782 292718

Taught postgraduate awards

We have an on-line application form available for taught post-graduate awards. Please read the guidelines on the application form page before submitting your form. Alternatively, contact the International Recruitment Unit for a form.

Visit: Postgraduate on-line form

You will usually require a first degree (BA/BSc [Hons]) in a relevant subject, although we will consider other equivalent overseas qualifications and work experience, if you have been employed for several years in a relevant field.


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