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Staffordshire University

College Road, Stoke on Trent , United King, ST4 2DE
+44 (0)1782 294000

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Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
Support for students

This is most probably the first time your son or daughter has been away from home and it's bound to be a time of mixed emotion for everyone. But there really is no need to worry. At Staffordshire University support for our students is a priority.

From our Student Support staff and award tutors, the Students' Union Advice and Information Service through to our Student Mentor scheme, help is always at hand. We believe in doing whatever is possible to help our students adjust to university life and continue that support throughout their time here.

The first few weeks - Welcome Week

We realise this is likely to be a time when students face one of the biggest changes in their lives, so we do everything we can to provide the maximum support possible.

Welcome Week is an event run by the University and the Students' Union. It aims to help students settle in - to meet new people, to find their way around, to get to know about how the University works and get involved in university life.

Student Mentors are second and third year students who are around during Welcome Week to answer any questions - from where to find things to helping with personal problems. Student Mentors are fully trained, and we have been operating this support network for long enough to ensure that all areas are covered.

Our support team

Our support team includes:

  • personal tutors, who will offer advice and guidance on academic and personal issues
  • doctors and nurses who are on duty every day at surgeries on both campuses
  • qualified staff who run registered nurseries on both campuses for children from birth to five years
  • Counselling Service which gives our students the opportunity to talk, in a supportive and confidential environment, about anything which is affecting their personal or academic life
  • Nightline - a listening information service where students can discuss any problems in complete confidence. Run by students for students it operates from 8pm to 8am every night
  • a chaplaincy which provides everything from a friendly chat to prayer rooms.
What sort of disability services are available?

Staffordshire University's access and support for disabled students is nationally recognised. It's a good idea to contact us as soon as possible to discuss your requirements, and we can send you a full copy of our Disability Statement in a format that suits you. We have:

  • a large number of rooms in our halls of residence adapted for disabled students
  • support workers who can help with note taking and mobility around campus
  • communication support for deaf and hard of hearing student
  • diagnostic testing for dyslexia on campus
  • specialist dyslexia tuition
  • confidential guidance to help with individual needs
  • specialist library facilities such as voice activated PCs and Braille converters.

The University is the home of the Staffordshire Regional ACCESS Centre, which provides professional assessments of learning support and assistive technology needs, which helps establish entitlement from disabled students' allowances. We are also working on projects which concentrate on communication support and academic liaison for deaf people and career development.

What if my son or daughter wants to take a gap year?

We have no problem if students want to defer their entry for a year - not only are there a number of very valid reasons for doing this, we recognise that students who have taken time out are often more confident and ready to carry on studying.

In what ways does the Students' Union support students?

We're lucky at Staffordshire University to have such a responsible and responsive Students' Union. Because the Union team is made up of students they're good people to talk to - and very approachable. They know all about student life and can pass on their experiences to fellow students. It's because of their all round commitment to students that they've been voted amongst the top three unions in the country by the National Union of Students (NUS).

As well as the usual social activities, our Students' Union offers free independent, confidential information and advice on a wide range of issues.

The Student Advice and Information Service provides advice on a wide range of subjects including up-to-date information on finance, benefits and legal matters. The advice is free of charge and completely confidential. It's often the case that students will talk to the centre when they don't want to tell parents or tutors about their problems.

The centre is non-judgmental and will not tell students what to do, but it provides a wide range of possible options and does whatever it can (practically and emotionally) to enable our students to resolve any difficulties they may be

What does the University offer to help students on an every day basis?
  • Student Meals Package - for as little as L25 per week we provide a choice of two meals a day, Monday to Friday.
  • Information Centres - which provide information on accommodation, student records, awards and fee payments.
  • Library and IT support - in addition to help desks and information points, we also run sessions in areas such as effective information searches and study skills, and offer advice on buying computer equipment.
  • Academic and student wardens - who are on hand in halls at all times in case of emergencies, and help in the day-to-day running of halls.
  • Late night taxis - the Students' Union has teamed up with City Cabs in Stoke, who will still take students home at night if they have no money, and the fare can then be paid later.
How friendly and approachable are staff?
When we ask our former students what they will remember about their time here, the answer is usually one of the best accolades we could ask for. They will remember the support of the academic, technical and support staff, who are seen as friendly, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and supportive, both academically and personally.


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