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Keele University

Keele, Staffordshire, UK, ST5 5BG
+44 1782 621111

Platforma Edukacyjna - gotowe opracowania lekcji oraz testów.
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Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria

At Keele we recognise the importance that international students place on their accommodation needs when settling quickly into the University environment. Therefore all single international students are guaranteed accommodation on campus in a single study bedroom for the duration of their course.

The University has five Halls of Residence with over 3,200 bedrooms available, all within easy walking distance of the centre of campus. The University offers you a choice of letting periods and level of room facilities, including en-suite rooms (subject to availability). All Halls of Residence have access to television, music and games rooms, computer suites, laundrettes, social facilities and all rooms have telephones installed. All halls have single as well as mixed sex residences.

As an undergraduate student you will receive an Accommodation Choice Form if you decide to hold Keele as your 'firm' or 'insurance' university. Your room allocation will be included in the registration pack.

Overseas students accompanied by family or friends wishing to live together are milies. If you require this type of accommodation you are strongly advised to apply early to the University and to contact the Student Accommodation Services for further information as soon as possible. Students with families are advised to come to Keele alone initially to secure suitable accommodation at an affordable price. The Student Accommodation Services will be able to provide information on properties in the private sector.

All University accommodation is offered on a self-catering basis to give you maximum flexibility so that you can choose what, when and where you eat. All Halls of Residence are, therefore, equipped with shared kitchens for food preparation and storage.

Accommodation Fees 2005 - 2006

There are various types of on-campus accommodation from a study bedroom with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities to an en-suite room with shared kitchen facilities.

The majority of en-suite rooms are allocated to final year students. First year students are offered accommodation in study bedrooms with or without washbasins with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities.

For example: A study room with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities and a 37 week letting period is approximately L53 per week without washbasin and L61.50 per week with washbasin.

Room Type
37 Weeks
33 Weeks
Without washbasin
L53 per week
With washbasin
L61.50 per week
L61.50 per week

L86 per week

Room Types

Study room without washbasin: with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities.

Study room with washbasin: with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities.

En-suite: with shared kitchen facilities. These rooms are available to final year students in the first instance.

(Each study bedroom is provided with two pillows and blankets or duvet. Students will be required to provide their own sheets, pillow cases and towels. Sheets and pillow cases can be hired from Housekeepers in each Hall for a small charge.)

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