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Staffordshire University

College Road, Stoke on Trent , United Kingdom, ST4 2DE
+44 (0)1782 294000

Platforma Edukacyjna - gotowe opracowania lekcji oraz testów.
Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
Overview of the University

Staffordshire University is a large university with approximately 12,000 full-time and 3000 part-time students. It is situated on three main campuses, Stoke, Stafford and Lichfield. The Faculty of Health and Sciences nursing and midwifery provision is located at Stafford, Shrewsbury, Telford and Oswestry. In addition, the University has some 5000 students studying overseas on Staffordshire University awards in China, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Greece, Spain and France.

The Stoke Campus
The Stoke campus is in the heart of the City of Stoke-on-Trent in the county of Staffordshire and very close to the mainline rail station with journey times to London of under 2 hours, to Manchester under 45 mins. It is close to the M6 motorway at junctions 15 and 16 and the A50 providing excellent transport routes to all parts of the country.
The Stafford Campus
The Stafford campus is a short bus ride from Stafford town centre and also well served by road and rail links with easy access to the M6 motorway at junctions 13 and 14. The Stafford campus is 18 miles by road from the Stoke campus and there is a regular University minibus service between the two main campuses.
The Lichfield Campus

The Lichfield campus is 15 miles by road from Stafford and is situated in the centre of Lichfield in a new purpose built building.


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Data utworzenia: 2008-09-01 20:48:01
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