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Zestaw: "Teraźniejszy tryb łącznikowy Present Subjunctive, test 2"
0. It's best that our government not waste time on internal disputes.
not to waste
don?t waste
not waste
1. Is it a bad idea ............... (żeby on przebywał)
that he stays
that he stayed
that he stay
2. ............... (Niech się stanie co ma się stać), you are still required to attend the meeting.
Be that as it may
Come what may
Let it be
3. ................ (Tak czy inaczej), I will never forget you.
Be that as it may
Come what may
Let it be
4. If she really wants to drop out the university, then ........... (niech tak będzie).
be that as it may
come what may
let it be
5. . ............... (Broń Boże) you end up alone.
God damn it!
Heaven forbid!
Till death do us part
6. I can`t get this PC to work! .............. (Niech to diabli)
God damn it!
Heaven forbid
Till death do us part
7. We'll be together, ...............(dopóki śmierć nas nie rozłączy)
god damn it!
heaven forbid
till death do us part
8. ............... (Wystarczy powiedzieć) that the Nazis weren`t simply bad, they were uniquely evil.
Suffice it to say
Far it be from me
Woe betide you
9. .................... (Spotka ciebie nieszczęście!) if you try that with my sister again!
Suffice it to say
Far it be from me
Woe betide you
10. ........................... (Jestem daleki od tego) to tell you what to do, but I think you should become reconciled.
Suffice it to say
Far it be from me
Woe betide you
11. Jake recommended ............ (aby Susan została zatrudniona) immediately.
that Susan be hired
that Susan hire
that Susan is hired
12. We suggest ................... (abyś nie był przyjęty) to the scouts.
you aren?t admitted
you not admit
you not be admitted
13. It was necessary ................... (aby wypracowania były dostarczone) by the weekend.
that essays were submitted
that essays submit
that essays be submitted
14. It is desirable ........................... (abyście nie korzystali) the mobile when the plane is touching down.
that you weren?t using
that you not be using
that you aren?t using
15. It is crucial .......................... (aby ktoś czekał) for her at the airport terminal.
that somebody is waiting
That somebody be waiting
That somebody was waiting
16. I propose ........................... (aby każdy odpowiadał na pytania) the questions while watching the video.
that everybody is answering
that everybody was answering
that everybody be answering
17. They insist ................. (abyśmy poszli) with them.
that we should go
that we should to go
that we should went
18. Teachers demand ........................ (aby minister edukacji zgodził się) on the pay rise.
that the secretary of education should agree
that the secretary of education should agreed
that the secretary of education should to agree

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