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British International School of the University of Łódź

ul. Matejki 34 A, 90-237 Łódź
tel. (42) 635-60-06
www:   http://interschool.uni.lodz.ple-mail:

Od 01.01.2015 odwiedzono tę wizytówkę 7358 razy.
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- The School is providing extrara curricular activities depending on the need and iterset of the children. In 2014 / 2015 we offer the following activities:
- languages (Spanish, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Hindi)
- sport (football, tennis, swimming, judo, fencing, cycling)
- other (piano, hip hop, arts and craft, chess, artistic interpretation)

British International School of the University of Łódź has been approved as a Cambridge International School by Cambridge International Examinations, the world’s largest provider of international education programmes and qualifications for 5 to 19 year olds. BISUL follows the Cambridge programmes, which have a proven reputation for being excellent preparation for university, employment and life. They provide a valuable international benchmark of learner performance. The school provides an opportunity to acquire qualifications such as Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge International AS and A Level, which are recognised and welcomed by universities and employers around the world.

Aims of the School :
  • provide a broad and balanced curriculum, based on the English National Curriculum
  • create a secure, stimulating and happy environment for pupils
  • encourage creativity, initiative, independence and the pursuit of excellence
  • educate children to participate actively in all aspects of modern culture
  • develop a sense of responsibility, concern for fellow pupils, and respect and for the school and the community
  • encourage understanding and tolerance of other cultures
  • develop concern for the environment
  • encourage the adoption of a healthy lifestyle

So that our Pupils:
  • are motivated and learn happily and effectively
  • are well behaved, considerate and cooperative
  • make appropriate progress and fulfill their potential
  • are successful in examinations and well prepared for advanced academic study
  • understand and appreciate other cultures
  • can successfully pursue appropriate careers
  • are able to deal with the demands of adult life in a rapidly changing technological world

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