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Staffordshire University

College Road, Stoke on Trent , United King, ST4 2DE
+44 (0)1782 294000

Platforma Edukacyjna - gotowe opracowania lekcji oraz testów.
Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
Course provision at Staffordshire

We offer a wide range of courses to suit most people and this is an opportunity not to be missed. Our students come from a variety of academic and cultural backgrounds.

  • Undergraduate study
    At Staffordshire University we offer an enormous range and type of awards from Accounting to Theatre Studies and almost everything in between! We are sure there will be something to suit your interests.
  • Postgraduate & Masters study
    Staffordshire University provides high quality postgraduate education and has an international reputation in many areas of research.
  • Part-time study
    Studying part-time is now more popular than ever before. Having a family or a job need not mean that you cant reach for the stars.
  • Fast-track degrees
    A faster route to success. Selected subject areas at Staffordshire University are offering the opportunity to study FULL honours degrees over TWO rather than the traditional three years.
  • Short courses
    The University works in-company with major local employers and provides short courses and training for companies of all sizes.
  • Distance learning
    We have an increasing number of awards that you can study online at home - being unable to attend lectures on campus no longer means you cant study for an award from Staffordshire University.

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Data utworzenia: 2008-09-01 20:48:05
Edycja: Edytuj prezentację.

HISTORIA PREZENTACJI ( - Prezentacja (2008-09-01 20:48:05) - Edytuj prezentację.

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