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Aktualna kategoria: Nauka » Język angielski » Lekcje - gramatyka - testy

Zestaw: "Trzeci okres warunkowy - The Third Conditional - test 1"
Pytanie Odpowiedź
If I'd studied harder,- if you?d listened to him.
If I hadn't bet on the L.A Lakers, - would she have been studying Japanese?
If your parents hadn't closed their rent-a-car service, - would I have met some new friends?
If I hadn't cheated on her, - I would have got a good job.
If you hadn`t been so slow, - I wouldn?t have wasted so much money.
You`d have understood everything - they?d have recognized you.
If I had better qualifications, - he would have said hello to her.
If I'd come to the party,- he wouldn?t have been charged extra interest.
Ana could have moved to Spain - I?d have passed the exam.
If she hadn't been asleep, - she wouldn?t have left me.
You should have come - she might not have missed the end of the film.
If you hadn't been wearing sunglasses, - I wouldn`t have had to wait for you so long.
If she hadn't been interested in Japanese culture, - would we have driven a different car each day?
Had he known her, - if she had married a Spaniard.
Had he paid his bills on time, - if you?d been invited.

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