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Aktualna kategoria: Nauka » Język angielski » Testy po angielsku

Zestaw: "Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego Maj 2007"

We were taken to the island by a fisherman obviously surprised by our lack of luggage.
"This is the last boat, sir,? he said, ?if you are thinking of coming back tonight.?
?We weren?t,? Ella replied for me.
?Very well, miss.?
And in a boat that smelled of fish we made the short crossing to the island"s harbour. I was
surprised to find a village beneath the castle walls, for in my mind I had already pictured
Seton Castle as a place removed from our world; but I was glad to be in the ?sweet pub? of
which Ella had told me. She reserved two rooms before we sat down to dinner, giving her
surname as Warrington. I nodded, understood and signed my own name ? John Wood.
?My mother?s name,? she said quietly. ?It wouldn?t be a good idea to sign Harewood on
the island; we wouldn?t have a moment?s sleep because of all the attention we received.?
When we were sitting at a table in the cosy bar, she smiled at me. ?So, here we are.?
?Is this what you wanted to show me?? I asked, feeling the weight of family history in the pub
which had the Harewood arms on its sign.
?It is partly,? said Ella. ?I wanted to show you the island and the castle. But there?s something
much more specific that I want you to see.? She paused. ?But it must wait until tomorrow
?But,? I began, a little surprised. ?I thought this was your castle. Surely you?re not a tourist
in your own family home??
?No,? she replied, smiling. ?Of course I could take you to lunch with Uncle Cyril and Aunt
Elizabeth if I liked. I don?t think they would be particularly happy to see me, but they
wouldn?t show that. But I can?t, of course, for obvious reasons.?
?Among which are??
?Well for starters, you blind boy, the fact that you aren"t Charlie Stanhope. They wouldn?t
like to see me here with anyone but him.?
?At least not until you?ve freed yourself??
"At least not until I have, as you say, freed myself.?
?I see.?
?But there is another reason, too.?
?Which is??
?I?d much rather show you the painting in private. Oh, I don?t mind day-trippers; they won?t
affect us. It?s family presence I want to avoid if I can.?

5.3. Ella?s surname was Warrington.

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