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Sprawdzian z języka angielskiego w II kl. Liceum.


Niniejszy sprawdzian ma na celu zbadanie sprawności rozumienia tekstu, znajomości struktur leksykalno-gramatycznych oraz umiejętności pisania tekstu na poziomie postawoym.
Uczniowie klas II Liceum Profilowanego, dla których ten sprawdzian został napisany, rozpoczęli naukę języka angielskiego od podstaw, w roku szkolnym 2002/2003, korzystając z podręcznika "Opportunities Elementary" wydawnictwa Pearson Education.
W kwietniu br., po przerobieniu podręcznika na poziomie Elementary, przeszli na "Opportunities Pre-Intermediate" wraz z "Zadaniami Maturalnymi".
Wyniki niniejszego sprawdzianu, powinny dać obraz jak moi uczniowie radzą sobie z zadaniami, z którymi zetkną się na maturze w roku 2005.
W sprawdzianie, ze względów technicznych, pominięto test sprawności słuchania.

Małgorzata Pocztar-Sobocińska
Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych
im. Unii Europejskiej
w Gliwicach

Sprawdzian z języka angielskiego w klasach II Liceum Profilowanego
w roku szkolnym 2003/2004

I. Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

Zadanie A Przeczytaj tekst o życiu George’a Orwella i odpowiedz na następujące pytania.
(5 punktów)

1. Where was George Orwell born?
2. Where did he study in England?
3. What did he want to be?
4. What happened in 1945?
5. Why didn’t he join the army during World War II?

The life of George Orwell

George Orwell was born in India in 1903. When he was four years old, his mother took him and his sister back to England but his father stayed in India.

In England, the young boy had a private teacher but it was difficult for his parents to find the money to pay for him. He was lucky later – when he was thirteen he won a scholarship to Eton College but he was not a very good student.

He always thought of becoming a writer. When he was eleven, he wrote a poem about World War I. This poem was very good and it appeared in the local newspaper.
George had a difficult but interesting life. For a long time he couldn’t find a well-paid job. He lived in Paris and London but because he didn’t have much money he had to stay in poor parts of these cities. In London he even lived in the street for some time. These years helped him to write his first book called Down and Out in Paris and London, published in 1933.

In 1936 George went to Spain to write for newspapers about the Civil War. Three years later he wanted to join the army to fight in World War II but he was very ill and couldn’t become a soldier. He decided to work for the BBC and in 1945 he published Animal Farm. After the war he moved to Scotland where he wrote his final book, Nineteen Eighty-Four.

He died in London in 1950. He was only forty-seven.

Zadanie B Przeczytaj tekst ponownie i zdecyduj, które zdania są prawdą
(zaznacz jako T), a które fałszem (zaznacz jako F). (5 punktów)

1. George Orwell had one sister. T / F
2. In 1907 he returned to England with his mother and father. T / F
3. As a child he wrote a book about World War I. T / F
4. He lived in poor parts of London and Paris. T / F
5. He wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four in Spain. T / F

II. Test leksykalno-gramatyczny

Zadanie A Zakreśl wyrażenie prawidłowo uzupełniające zdania. (10 punktów)

0. I always do / make my homework.
1. He loves zoology and gets good marks at school. He will / is going to be a vet.
2. Scientists have discovered / invented life on Mars.
3. My mother has never / ever used a computer.
4. There is an interesting film on TV tomorrow. We will / are going to watch it.
5. She never buys anything, she just goes into a shop and looks at / around.
6. How much / many time have you got tomorrow?
7. ‘Is that Kate’s bike?’ ‘No, it’s my / mine.
8. Swimming / To swim is a good exercise.
9. If you have / will have any problems, I will help you.
10. Press this button to stop / for stopping the machine.

Zadanie B Uzupełnij zdania, używając jednego wyrazu w każdej luce. (5 punktów)

0. On Mondays I usually get up at seven o’clock.
1. This is how to use a mobile phone. First switch it ..................... .
2. The lemonade is cold enough. We can take it ....................... the fridge now.
3. Click ................... that icon with the mouse if you want to send an email.
4. I can’t hear the TV. Can you turn the volume ............................ ?
5. It was so cold so we put ....................... warm clothes when we went out.

Zadanie C Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą przymiotnika. (5 punktów)

0. These shoes are smarter (smart) than those trainers but they are
the most expensive (expensive) in the shop.
1. Wear your ....................................... (comfortable) clothes for a long train trip.
2. My brother is ................................... (tall) than me.
3. She bought ..................................... (cheap) CD in the music shop.
4. The .................................. (good) restaurant in Kraków is called Wierzynek.
5. Your shoes are ......................... (dirty) than mine.

Zadanie D Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasownika. (10 punktów)

0. We are writing (write) a test now.
1. My parents always .................................... (do) the shopping on Saturday.
2. She ..................................... (learn) to drive at the moment.
3. My sister often ....................... (go) to a disco.
4. I ............................... (see) the film Matrix two times.
5. They .............................. (not, go) to school yesterday.
6. I like .............................. (listen) to music.
7. We .................................. (not, watch) TV now.
8. She ................... never......................... (eat) brown rice.
9. We usually ................................ (have) dinner at 4 o’clock.
10. I think, I ................................. (work) abroad in the future.

III. Wypowiedź pisemna

Zadanie A Przebywasz na wakacjach na Malcie. Wczoraj zgubiłeś/aś swój ulubiony T-shirt.
Napisz krótkie ogłoszenie, w którym:
- określisz co zgubiłeś/aś;
- opiszesz krótko jak twoja zguba wygląda;
- podkreślisz, jak bardzo ci na niej zależy;
- podasz jak można się z tobą skontaktować. (10 punktów)

................................................................................ ........................................

................................................................................ .........................................

................................................................................ .........................................

................................................................................ .........................................

................................................................................ .........................................


0 - 24 punktów - niedostateczny
25 – 29 punktów – dopuszczający
30 – 37 punktów - dostateczny
38 – 44 punktów - dobry
45 – 48 punktów - bardzo dobry
49 – 50 punktów – celujący


1. CKE „Informator maturalny od 2005 roku – Język angielski”, 2003
2. E.Walker,S.Elsworth „Grammar Practice for Elementary Students”, Longman, 2001
3. H.Mrozowska „Opportunities Elementary – Zadania Maturalne”, Pearson Education, 2003
4. M.Galbarczyk, D.Szmerdt „Opportunities Elementary – Tests”, Pearson Education,2002

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Ostatnią zmianę prezentacji wykonał: Piotr Stefanowicz.
IP autora:
Data utworzenia: 2008-10-30 23:20:03
Edycja: Edytuj prezentację.


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