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Aktualna kategoria: Nauka » Język angielski » Testy po angielsku

Zestaw: "Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego Maj 2006 "

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z treścią tekstu (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE).

Do you know the famous twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen?
Their life in show business began when they were babies. Their father suggested that
a Hollywood television studio use them to play the part of Michelle, a little girl in a series
called Full House. There are strict rules saying how many hours a child can actually work
in film or television. That is why many studios use identical twins when they film a small
child in a story. The Full House series ran until the girls were eight years old.
By the time they were four, a businessman who had managed pop groups such as Ace of
Base and Roxette had the clever idea of licensing the twins as a ?brand?. He set up a company
which rents out the twins? image to clothes and toy companies. So what exactly is the ?Olsen
image?? They have become known as the ?un-Britneys?. This means that they provide a safe
model for girls between six and thirteen who find Britney Spears too provocative.
The twins take a keen interest in all of the products sold in the ?Mary-Kate and Ashley?
range, and they veto things they don?t like. They have sold 35 million copies of their videos,
released over 17 pop albums and written many teenage novels. They now have a new sitcom
called So Little Time, plus their own magazine and website.
At the same time they try to live the normal lives of typical American teenagers. Each
day the girls go to their small private school where they wear school uniforms and study hard.
They do their homework each night stopping to watch their favourite TV programmes.
At weekends they go riding or attend dance classes.
In America there is a strong youngsters? movement against drinking alcohol, smoking
and having sex before marriage. And the Olsens represent what is pure and good. At the same
time, they are successful and attractive, and this may encourage many more girls to follow
their example.

5.1. The Olsen twins have been in show business all their lives.

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