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Aktualna kategoria: Nauka » Język angielski » Testy po angielsku

Zestaw: "Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego Maj 2006 "

Zadanie 4. (6 pkt) Przeczytaj informacje dotyczące czterech propozycji spędzenia czasu wolnego. Przyporządkuj do każdego zdania (4.1.-4.6.) jedną z opisanych imprez (A-D).Każda z liter może być użyta więcej niż raz.

A. Easter Fun Days 20-21 April

A fun day out for the whole family. Easter egg hunt, donkey rides, children?s entertainment,

personal contact with friendly farm animals, refreshments and a miniature steam train.

Times: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Admission: Adult: ?4.50 Child: ?2.50 Family: ?12.00

B. Easter Flowers 20-21 April

Come and enjoy the amazing display of lilies and other seasonal flowers, then try some

homemade cakes and tea.

Times: 2 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.

Admission: FREE

C. Wildlife Walk 3 May

Leisurely paced walk of approximately 2 miles at a superb nature reserve to raise money for

the protection of endangered animal species. Must be booked in advance.

Please call 01621 000111

Times: 10 a.m.

Admission: ?3.50

D. Bird Chorus 3 May

Join us in Chalkney Wood to experience bird song at its best and identify the birds that sing in

the early morning chorus. Followed by a light breakfast in a nearby inn.

Times: 4.30 a.m. - 7.00 a.m.

Admission: ?3.00

4.6. You won?t get anything to eat or drink.

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