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Aktualna kategoria: Nauka » Język angielski » Testy po angielsku

Zestaw: "Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego Maj 2008"

A. The colour represents the way you earn money.
B. Somebody who is different from the others.
C. Life is rarely so clear.
D. You knew who was who.
E. The real world is full of lies.
F. It?s a more official way.
G. Not all lies are harmful.
H. Black is not always negative.
Black is also used in some expressions that describe good things. Being ?in the black?
is a good situation. It is a business expression that means a company has made a profit.
The expression comes from the colour of ink used in the books that record a company?s profits
or losses. Profits are written in black and losses are written in red.

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